HOME PAGE About the Band
Member InformationPlease send feedback to Bill. |
"It's fun to make music and associate with such talented and smart people." "I can have fun while learning about something I like and I feel like I can act like myself." "I became involved because of a friend and stay involved because of the close friendships I have developed." "It's a great feeling of accomplishment from a group standpoint." "Everybody does his best when he's playing but we have fun with it too." "Playing music with other people in a casual atmosphere." "One word - informality." "Fun is uppermost but with a serious effort at making music. Also the chance to make a good group of friends after moving to a new community." "Our mission is clear and simple and I feel there's a place for me." "A chance at a second childhood without waiting till . . well . . 'second childhood'." "Having something in common with my husband -- I'm glad he signed up for band class rather than square dancing!" |
Links to pages external to this website are provided as a service to the user and do not represent an endorsement by the After Hours Community Band, Inc, or its members. |