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The After Hours Community Band

A Concert?!? Us??

Page Updated 06/30/98

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Please send feedback to Bill.

1. Six people in an adult education class 4. We get organized 7. BIG concerts
2. We rehearse in a basement 5. We get a name and a logo 8. And we're loveable
3. A Concert?!? Us?? 6. We find our niche 9. We're still here

Fortunately for the band, Joyce was the school nurse at Hollenbeck Junior High School in St. Charles County and she was able to make arrangements for the group to use the band room at the school for weekly rehearsals and borrow music that was no longer being used from the band library.

By the end of that first year, the band had grown to 42 amateur musicians and they nervously decided to perform a "real" public concert. Arrangements were made to play a one-hour concert of seasonal music at Chesterfield Mall a few weeks before Christmas.

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