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Member Information
Next Band event: Rehearsal at Green Trails Church, March 25
Time until our next concert: 5 weeks 1 day 12 hours 54 minutes
The After Hours Community Band of Saint Louis (founded in 1986) represents the Saint Louis metropolitan area by providing the opportunity for amateur musicians to enjoy the pleasure of playing in a community band. The membership
of the AHCB represents a broad spectrum of backgrounds including (but not limited to) nurses, educators, engineers, stay-at-home parents, remote workers, and retired individuals. The AHCB has
a strong sense of community purpose and provides free musical entertainment
at civic, charitable, and community events. In
particular, the AHCB performs frequently at Senior Living Communities, Schools and Veterans Events bringing musical entertainment to that special
New members are always welcome as openings become available. We currently have openings in the percussion, horn, trombone, and tuba sections. Any concert band musician may join as there are no auditions or fees. Many members have not played their instruments in years but, through involvement in our organization, have rediscovered the enjoyment of playing in a fully instrumented concert band (brass, woodwinds, percussion).